Tuesday, July 10, 2012


looking at photos and wishing and hoping and praying that my life would look this amazing one day.
i love how lights look at dusk. 
could you imagine waking up to this one day? even if it was just for vacation. wow. 
can someone be in love with a photo? i can. look at this. the simplicity of it. love the dust particles. ahhhh. 

ok so maybe that was just a photo and maybe you think i'm silly. maybe i am. maybe it is just a photo. 
i don't know where this post is going, but i tend to ramble when i think a lot. 
this is me rambling. also i have no capitalization in this post and it is kind of bugging me. 

you know, sometimes i find other peoples blogs and sit here and i just wish i was doing half the things they do in a day. like maybe if i surrounded myself with friends who were more adventures i would be able to do something like going on mountain hikes (which would be hard considering i live in florida...) or have coffee dates and sit around and discuss the bible, or maybe just sitting around laughing and taking photos that come out so full of life. 

maybe this post is selfish, because i am blessed with a tremendous life. but i, as a human, am left with wishing more. 


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